Sunday, October 5, 2014

Blog Post #7

QR Code
First off, I'd like to share my audio QR Code I made with the help of this video. It was exciting and I can't wait to utilize this tool in the future.

From watching the available movies, it is evident that technology is a driving force in the classroom. Students are eager to learn and get a hands on learning experience. From Ginger Tuck's kindergarten class to Mrs. Tassin's 2nd Grade class, students were having a blast using technology. It was interesting to see how all the teachers integrated certain apps as a learning tool. The AVL center that Ginger Tuck created for her kindergarten class for vocabulary expansion was my favorite. The students who presented in Mrs. Tassin's class were all very eager to share their projects with the class. I learned a lot about how I could use technology as a learning tool inside the classroom.

From the last two videos, We All Become Learners and Using iMovie and the Alabama Virtual Library in Kindergarten, it is easy to see that the classroom dynamics are changing. In We All Become Learners, Michele Bennett explained how students are teaching teachers, teachers are teaching students, and students are teaching students. This new dynamic is breaking down traditional barriers. In the higher grades, teachers do not worry about the mechanics of a program. They know that they're students will be able to help them if needed.

In Using iMovie and the Alabama Virtual Library in Kindergarten, Dr. Strange and his guests discussed how kindergarteners were making book trailers using iMovie. They were eager to create and improve their product. Dr. Strange made the comment that compared to his college students, the kindergarteners were more enthusiastic to fix their mistakes. Kindergarteners did not want to want to stop editing whereas Dr. Strange had to push and prod his college students to fix a mistake in a project.

How do we all become learners? To become a learner you have to be eager and open to new experiences. Don't shy away from something you don't know. Let your students teach you a trick or two on iMovie or how to use the iPad camera correctly. Since I have grown up around technology, I have an advantage in the classroom compared to the older generations. However, I am lacking knowledge about how to use technology as a learning tool instead of entertainment. In the next year and a half I need to research how to successfully integrate PBL into my classroom. What resources will I need to make sure my students get the most out of the projects? What kind of projects are most beneficial? How do I properly use a Smartboard? These are questions I need to answer or at least have some information on before I step into a classroom.


  1. I also learned a lot after watching these videos. It's so crazy how much technology is used in the classroom now. I am having to do some observations in classrooms this semester, and after completing my observations I saw first hand how technology is being used in the classroom. It seemed that the kids were so into what they were learning when they were using the iPad, computer, or Smart board.
